How much do I need to download True Owner app?
Mendie Ekemini
Last Update há 3 anos
Although you need sufficient data to download TrueOwner app, an initial subscription requires the sum of N 500. This amount will be used to fund your wallet for a period of 5 months, which means that N 100 is paid for a month's subscription. Subscriptions are expected to continue in subsequent months so that subscribers don't stop enjoying these invaluable services of TrueOwner. However, subscribers should understand that as economic outlooks change, TrueOwner may be required to either increase or reduce fees paid monthly, depending on where the pendulum swings. Also, in future, TrueOwner may decide to give rebates to highly esteemed customers. So, keep subscribing to TrueOwner app. Who knows? You may just be required to pay less for subscription or be a part of those who will enjoy our rebates, which can come up any time.