What are the major benefits subscribers derive by subscribing to TrueOwner?

Mendie Ekemini

Last Update há 3 anos

Although the benefits subscribers derive are numerous, the most prominent ones include: safety of gadgets, high possibility of recovering stolen or misplaced gadgets, ease of recovering stolen or misplaced gadgets, possibility of easily selling or buying gadgets via True Owner, verification of gadgets before they are sold or purchased, supporting subscribers to be with their gadgets for a long time, etc. Looking at all the benefits mentioned, subscribers agree that they are really getting great value for their money. For instance, one can imagine the value one gets by protecting one's gadgets worth N 500,000 with just a token of N 100 monthly subscription. Besides, the owner of such a costly gadget can still, through our app, sell it to an intending buyer without much hassles if they feel like disposing of it. Our benefits are mouth-watering, and you don't need to stress yourself before you start enjoying them. 

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