What is the penalty for suspending subscription to TrueOwner?

Mendie Ekemini

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

We bet this question is coming up because many apps operators and professional associations penalize subscribers when they come back after suspending their subscription. But with True Owner, there is no specific penalty for now for refusing to continue subscribing. However, if your gadgets are stolen or misplaced in the month you refuse to subscribe, you will not be aided by True Owner for their recovery. But this doesn't stop you from resuming your subscription anytime you wish to, without any extra charges being asked from you. We are always available to render our support as long as you are willing to utilize our app to protect your gadgets. So don't be too introverted to share your concerns with us, and always know that we've got your gadgets covered once you return to True Owner.

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